
Luis A Rohde, MD, PhD is Professor of Child Psychiatry in the
Department of Psychiatry at the Federal University of Rio Grande
do Sul, Brazil, Director of the Program for Attention-
Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder at the Hospital de Clinicas de Porto
Alegre, and Vice-Coordinator of the National Institute of
Developmental Psychiatry, Brazil. He is currently Associate Editor
of the Attention Deficit and Hyperactivity Disorder, Co-Editor of the
European Child and Adolescent Psychiatry, and International
Editor of the J Am Acad Child and Adolescent Psychiatry.
He is President of the World Federation of ADHD, Vice-President
of the International Association of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry
and Allied Professions and member of the DSM-5 workgroup for
ADHD and Disruptive Behavior Disorders.
Dr. Rohde’s research interests include ADHD epidemiology,
genetics, pharmacogenetics, neuroimaging, and the effects of
pharmacological and psychosocial treatments for ADHD. He has
published extensively in peer review international and national
journals (more than 150 papers), and has been an author or coauthor
in over 40 book chapters/books and editorials.
Luis A Rohde was on the speakers’ bureau/advisory board and/or
acted as consultant for Eli-Lilly, Janssen-Cilag, Novartis and Shire
in the last 3 years (gross income per year). He also receives royalties from Artes
Médicas and Oxford Press. The ADHD and Juvenile Bipolar
Disorder Outpatient Programs chaired by him received unrestricted
educational and research support from the following
pharmaceutical companies in the last 3 years: Abbott, Eli -Lilly,
Janssen-Cilag, Novartis and Shire.